
With the formal approval of establishing a Medical University at Lahore to meet the much delayed and needed demands of province of Punjab, this university was inaugurated by the President of Pakistan in October, 2002. The present already built up building has a floor area of about 82 thousands sft. Previously housing Institute of Nursing and Health Sciences was allocated to the university by the honourable President of Pakistan. The total land area of the entire complex is about 5 acres located in the close vicinity of the University of Punjab established in 1882 and Sheikh Zayed Medical Complex functioning since 1986. At present the university is situated in the hub of Lahore metropolitan city. The area is further being expanded to meet the minimum requirements of the Higher Education Commission.


The university has an autonomous status besides its overall control of Punjab Provincial Govt. It has its own board of governors headed by a chairman and with eminent members of medical profession, learned intellectuals, industry, management, judicial and journalist. Its financial requirements are either met by provincial Govt., donations both public and private, Higher Education Commission and one time grant of provincial health department, through annual budget.


The present location of the university is ideal. It is centrally located and has all types of transport facilities. The utility services are already available and further being augmented. It has its own Library, Examination Halls, Secrecy Hall, Auditorium for 400 guests, Conference rooms and Laboratories of basic sciences and other medical disciplines and well knit IT centre. IT centre is further being connected to affiliated Medical Colleges at Rawalpindi, Faisalabad, Lahore, Multan and Bahawalpur and other affiliated Colleges.

Future Plans

The present university building was not purpose built and lacked certain mostly needed and urgent requirements. Some of the renovation and modifications to suit the requirements have either been done or are in process. As desired by the Higher Education Commission to cater for advance research, the below recorded schemes have either been approved by the H.E.C. or in the pipe line. These are:

a) Works Completed :

The below recorded works have since been completed.

  • Provision of double storey building for Experimental Research Laboratory with a floor area of about 4200 sft.
  • Provision of an independent Dining Hall with all modren facilities and infrastructure for faculty members, scholars and re-searchers.
  • Provision of an independent Dining Hall for low grade staff where meals are served at subsidized rates.
  • Construction of parking shelters for university vehicles and those owned by faculty members.
  • Renovation of University Auditorium with better seating arrangements and replacement of other infrastructure with better stuff.
  • Up-gradation of faculty laboratories by providing additional facilities.
  • Establishment of Human Genetics & Biotechnology, Hematology & Biochemistry departments.
  • Provision of one additional floor over the existing university building to named as Establishment of Institute of Nursing at U.H.S., classes for M.Sc. Nursing have been started.
  • Establishment of Lecture Theater for 55 students.
  • Establishment of Planning & Development Department.
  • Construction of Examination Hall for more than 400 students is completed.
  • Construction of Lodges at the university campus for research scholars and visiting dignitaries is completed. This proposal is providing much needed residential accommodation for research scholars and visiting dignitaries from abroad and local.

b) Works In Progress :

  • Construction of new Tube Well at U.H.S. Lahore.
  • Construction of Boundary Wall at KSK Sheikhupura New Campus of U.H.S. Lahore.
  • Provision of Duplicate Power Source from LESCO at U.H.S. Lahore.
  • Consultancy Services for Land Use Survey / Master Planning at Kala Shah Kaku, Sheikhupura New Campus of U.H.S. Lahore.
  • Proposed Civil Works Plan for Secrecy Section of Examination Department at U.H.S. Lahore.
  • Establishment of Quality Enhancement Cell at U.H.S. Lahore.

c) Future Plans:

  • Strengthening of Basic Medical Sciences Departments at new campus (Kala Shah Kaku, Sheikhupura) of University of Health Sciences Lahore.
  • Establishment of University’s Printing Press.
  • Provision of two separate lecture rooms for 200 and 100 students separately.
  • Provision of Centrally Air Conditioning system for the entire University Complex.
  • Construction of multistoried building to cater for most modern technical library, additional demands of office accommodation, space for air-conditioning plants, Laundry, and other utility services.